You read about celebrities using expensive skincare products and you wonder. The one that keeps reappearing in the press is LaMer lotion. A 3.4 oz. bottle of the heavenly cream goes for $265.00. Now, I realize that rich people are baffled about what to do with their money and have no qualms about spending an average person’s weekly paycheck on a few applications. But, come on! As the ‘90s exercise guru, Susan Powter would say, “Stop the Insanity!” Have they ever tried Aveeno? I have. It’s the only lotion that is non-greasy and long lasting. As someone with extremely dry skin who lives in New England, I panic when I run out of Aveeno lotion. I dare to make a bet that it works at least as well as the more (much more) expensive CREAM. Oh, and you can find an
8 oz. bottle for about $6. Put the lotion in the basket!

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