Let’s play a little game. It’s called Wouldn’t It Be Fun If… You don’t really need to know the rules. It’s quite simple, really. I’ll start and you’ll catch on.
- “I’m looking for someone with a great sense of humor” wasn’t code for “I’m looking for someone who looks like a young Cary Grant, lives like a monogamous George Cloony and reproduces like a shaved Brad Pitt”? Women are so full of … um … daisies.
- Instead of filling out hundreds of absurd employment forms (What IS my reference’s address, in case I decide to borrow some money, anyway?), prospective employees were given lottery tickets for each inane inquiry (To proceed in your application process, you must answer every question, including, “If you are under 18, would you choose A, B or C? Those who are over 18 can just suspend their disbelief and get with the program. It’s not too much to ask now, is it?). I think that by now, I would have definitely won something. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this great way to solve the unemployment crisis?
- People actually kept their promises? Meant what they said? Dispensed with the notion of “appearances”, the fallacy that’s “comme il faut”, the gum snapping, the shoulder pads, the “no, you go ahead!”, the “I’d love to come!”… Well, you get the point. Now, you go ahead.