So, I'm reading my new Elle Decor (No, I didn't pay for the subscription -- it was free after filling out some survey -- What did you think?!) when I notice the magazine's usual feature, 12 Things S/he Can't Live Without.
It's obviously a hyperbole -- I mean, no one will die from a lack of Ralph Lauren slacks. But, it's an interesting concept -- you can tell so much about a person by the little list on that one page in a magazine. In the case of John Derian, the designer in question, the list was quite intriguing. It made me want to know more about him... (The man loves his calligraphy pen -- what else can you ask for?) So, I did.

Imagine my surprise when the first Google result happened to be his Target line! Hello! Derian has a Target line. How cool is that? And, it's just as romantic as his questionnaire answers.
The designs of the trays, snow globes and ornaments evoke a Victorian aesthetic. Tranquil and understated, they often juxtapose script and painted images. But, you might get something completely other from them.
Take a look at this Large Butterfly Design Tray , for example. Here is a sample train of thought: writing, butterflies, Nabokov, Lolita, lollipops, dark chocolate, bye.
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