One of my absolute favorite stores is
Banana Republic. I know, it's somewhat safe and borderline boring, but I can't help it--so am I. I find their designs to be trendy yet timeless. The clothes are clean-cut, flattering and, most importantly, unique. When looking at a Banana Republic piece, one can tell right away that it is well-made. The brand projects an expensive aura, even though its prices are a fraction of designer clothes' tags. Still, being a cheapskate, I find Banana's items to be rarely affordable.
There are occasions on which I succumb to temptation and pull out the plastic. In this store, though, the sale has to be at least 50% off. Today, it is. How lucky for all of us! Just checked their site and noticed that some of Banana's accessories are on major clearance. In a few cases, the prices are slashed as much as 75%.
My favorite necklace is made out of wooden and crochet beads; it's perfect "natural" jewelry for spring.

So, head over to Banana and pick up some elegance.
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