Second post about shoes in two days. I know, this is getting ridiculous, but I can't help myself! All I have to say is -- gorgeous leather booties. These babies come in both, brown (sorry, camel) and black (yes, i know, black is the absense of color, but bear with me, les artistes célèbres). Anyhow, what I'm trying to tell you is -- GO BUY THESE NOW. Because, if you don't, they'll be gone. Why? Well, they're cheap (sorry, inexpensive).
That word always brings up an embarrassing memory of that one time, in college, when a used-books store owner yelled at me, but that's a story for another time. Oh, well -- I might as well tell it to you since I've already basically told it. He overheard my incredulous exclamation and came over to chide me, pointing out the difference between cheap books and inexpensive ones. So, from then on, mes amis, I knew better. And you should too!
Why are you still reading this drivel? Go buy the shoes, hear me? No, of course you don't! You're too busy remembering your own mortifying moments.
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Vegan Meringue
Did you know it’s possible (and easy!) to make vegan meringue? That’s
right. Fluffy, toastable vegan meringue is achievable with a humble can of