So, let's say you're driving to your cousin's house in Brooklyn. You live in RI and have no clue how to get there. The GPS system has just died because some stupid bolt wasn't screwed on properly and fell out. You can't find it on the floor of your car, and it would just be so much easier to call and find out the directions from the cousin than to start fixing the GPS system on the highway.
Oh, wait! You have her old phone number programmed into your cell. Darn it! Now, it becomes more complicated. Do you pay the three bucks to get her new number or do you pull over and fix the GPS system? Hmm. Well, information might not even have her new number yet, so it really would be a waste of those three bucks, after all. What to do?!

GOOG-411 to the rescue! Google's new service is free -- why else would I be raving about it? Forget 411 -- dial 1-800-466-4411. So, technically, it's more like, more bang for NO buck, people -- the best possible scenario! Don't ever tell me I never gave you something for nothing! ♦DiggIt! ♦Add to ♦Add to Technorati Faves