Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have a date with Bruno on July 10th

Note to self: wear something sparkly to the theater; consider a sombrero for headgear.

Photo credit
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Wake up your dormant creativity

Missed the last contest? Not to worry. A bunch of people emailed me that they liked the idea and want more of these. You got it.

This time, we're going to work with images, though -- too many of you sent me your responses asking not to share them. So, here are the details of the next (less personal) contest.

Take a look at the previous post. Your new assignment is to create an original image with a vinyl record. Email these to me, putting "vinyl contest" in the subject line. If I get enough of these, I will publish them on the blog and award small prizes to the best ones. You have until June 30th to get these in.

What are you waiting for? Get to it!
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A Sure Way to Become a Star

OK, I admit that this idea is not the most ingenious one, but it's so much fun! Here's what you do:

- Take your favorite vinyl record (providing you still own those -- I sold almost all of mine on a yardsale). Keep in mind that the record cover must contain the singer's photo.

- Then, pose with the record in a way that fills in the parts missing from the shot. Go ahead, let your imagination flow.

Don't want to bother? Just check out this guy's collection then. Here's my favorite shot:

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