Vegan Meringue
Did you know it’s possible (and easy!) to make vegan meringue? That’s
right. Fluffy, toastable vegan meringue is achievable with a humble can of
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
Dinner in Paris generally starts at 8 pm, especially in restaurants, and I
get ravenously hungry between lunch and dinner. Parisians do dine rather
late – ...
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network.
My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing
it t...
Leftovers à la française
In the family, we rapidly nicknamed my mother “la reine des restes” (the
queen of leftovers) because she’d make a point of keeping every scrap of
food, kee...
Salt: The hidden preservative
"No preservatives!" "No artificial preservatives!" This can only be true if
the prepared food item has zero salt. Because salt is the oldest
preservative k...
Follow Czech Please on Social Media
Dear readers,
I decided to stop posting to this blog at the end of 2013. The good news is
that I am still posting regularly on my *Czech Please FaceBook* a...
October 23
Last night I got to spend some time with my friend Sam. We hadn't hung out,
just the two of us, for a while - maybe not since June was born, if I
really th...
Chengdu, China
I never have been travelling in China, was never interested to work there
or even visit. Mostly because of second hand stories I have heard. Well,
was I wr...
I discovered a new site where you can watch your favorite artists' music videos. For instance, just click on M to find Michael Jackson Madonna and enjoy her "video playlist". Unlike the poor-quality videos posted on YouTube user-generated sites, Clipafon offers only the best. All music clips are recession-friendly complimentary, but registration is encouraged. By registering, you gain all kinds of VIP privileges, such as being bombarded with fewer ads adding videos to individual playlists. So, let your lazy DJ shine. Starlight, star bright, baby!
To kick things off, here's one from the Russian Madonna: Жанна Агузарова, Радуга
Zhanna Aguzarova, Rainbow