If you are hungry, don’t have much in the refrigerator and are craving a nutritious meal, raid your freezer and pantry to prepare Ira’s Improvised Inexpensive Chili. Find a large pan and add the following contents: a 15 oz. can of Great Northern White Beans, a 15 oz. can of red beans, a 28 oz. can of crushed tomatoes, a couple of cups of vegetable broth. Cover and do the following while waiting for the contents to reduce. Sauté a large onion with a pound of lean ground turkey and a couple of cloves of garlic. Add some chili powder and cumin, cook on low under a lid until turkey is browned and ready to eat. Add the contents to those in the large pan. Simmer for about a half an hour. End result: great tasting chili. Don’t forget to serve with Near East brown rice and sour cream. The leftovers taste even better!

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