Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Star Power"

If you would like to waste three minutes, this post is for you. Have you ever wondered which celebrity image your style most resembles? No? I haven't either. But Glam has. So, if you don't already know whether you prefer sailor pants to leggings, take their test.
Apparently, I am most like Nicole Kidman. I guess I take that as a compliment since she always looks "smashing," but I wouldn't be caught dead in flats, the embroidered ballerina slippers that Kidman supposedly favors.

Now, if one test is not enough for your academic nature, you could always take another. Glam is happy to oblige with a celebrity hair match. If you think that your hair has "star power" (real expression--check the site), sharpen your mice and click away. Turns out that Uma Thurman and I share more than animal magnetism. Like me, she prefers to style her locks in a casual manner. Got to go, Ethan is on the phone.

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