Monday, February 16, 2009

Parenting 101

OK, this is just too good not to share. Now, why didn't someone send this link to me when I had my baby?!

Are you a young mom? An inexperienced dad? No worries. Here's a manual that will teach you about every phase of your little one's life. Just follow the directions -- you'll be all set!

Considering it's cold season right now, this point will definitely come in handy.

Now, my son is almost six -- does this mean I can finally start choosing the "No" option? Please say yes! There is nothing better than a snot-smeared finger when it's your child's nasal mucous. Better than reading at bedtime for bonding purposes. No?

Need more guidance? No problemo!

But, in all seriousness, can someone clue me in -- was this manual designed as a joke or is this for real? Please, dear God in whom I don't believe, tell me it isn't so!

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