Monday, June 22, 2009

A Rambling Catty Post

I have an observation which may anger some of you. If it does, deal with it – no one, including me (gasp), is perfect (even Obama has large ears). Recently, I noticed that a myriad of people around the globe are completely bonkers over cats. I mean totally obsessed with cats. As someone who has never owned a pet (or is that politically incorrect?) -- sorry, let me try again. As someone who has never shared a house with a pet (I assume that caterpillars and random bugs living in jars on our kitchen windowsill don’t count), I can’t participate in the glee that emanates from the mouths of cute-cat photo-chainmail recipients. Cats with bows, cats with dogs, cats in beds, cats in hats. As much as I enjoy Seuss, I just shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes in an obnoxious fashion. It’s just a cat – get over it!

That’s why I was not at all surprised when my mother handed us some Trader Joe’s cookies marketed to cat people. Guess what they’re called? You don’t have to – I’ll tell you. Chocolatey [sic] Cats Cookies for People. Never mind that the package depicts a fat cat that looks a lot more like a tiger – it also reads in large letters, LOW FAT. So, as soon as I saw those magic words (OPP, you know me) I had to steal some from the kids (other people’s property no more!). At only 1.5 grams of fat per 15 cookies (9 grams of sugar), they’re way more preferable to Oreos – at least to me (I have never been able to get into the whole sugary white filling thing). So, these cookies are very similar to Oreos – sans the sticky insides. They're light, crispy and ... chocolaty. In fact, I like them so much, I think I’m becoming a cat person … only until TJ comes up with dulce de leche dog snacks.

If you spent your childhood in the US (or if you are a European who’s lost his taste buds), please tell me this – do you like Oreos because they taste good or do you just like the commercials? (My favorite one is the father-son kitchen-table conversation. There’s nothing like Oreos for bonding!) Or maybe it’s the process that appeals to you – the twisting motion, the licking... Gosh, it's so hard to figure out what the right way to eat an Oreo is... So, do tell me – what is so great about Oreo cookies?! Just have some Cats Cookies for People, people!

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