Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Inner peace

This post is a bit out of context. Just wanted to wish you Happy New Year, people! That's right, I'm not all about money, money, money. What is this, an ABBA concert? (Everyone younger than 30, go ask your parents about this reference.)

So, let's pause with the money focus, if only for a day or so. Let's think about something that's more valuable, for my money, at least. (had to squeeze it in, man -- just can't help myself!) Let's think about inner peace. Inner peace to you all, homies!
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goodbye and Good Luck

I just finished reading three “food books”. I won’t name-drop, but I will tell you that instead of inspiring me to cook up a storm or visit restaurants, they left my mouth quite dry. After learning the insider secrets of chefs and restaurant reviewers, I no longer want to eat out. Ever again. Well, unless you’re paying. Wanna go out?

Anywho. Now, I’m onto something much meatier. Reading Grace Paley. Gracie, you da best, woman! May you rest in peace, as my grandma says. You don’t believe me, people? Here is a little taste of just how great this writer is. Enjoy it – it’s worth every bite (or every penny, to be relevant to the blog’s theme. Like how I did that there? Takes talent.)

Where did a Jewish boy grow up so big? “Just outside Kiev,” he told me.
How? “My mama nursed me till I was six. I was the only boy in the village to have such health.”
“My goodness, Vlashkin, six years old! She must have had shredded wheat there, not breasts, poor woman.”
“My mother was beautiful,” he said. “She had eyes like stars.” ♦DiggIt!Add to del.icio.usAdd to Technorati Faves

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My cure for recession

So, I haven't posted for a while now. You've noticed, right? Anybody out there reading this thing? Helooooooooo?!

I realize that a smart blogger posts on a daily basis, but I just couldn't bring myself to rhapsodize about some fashion item while everyone around me was getting laid off. ... Does this mean I'm not smart?

Anywho. So, why the heck am I posting now? Has there been a sudden surge in job prospects in the US? Have all the Christmas (sorry, Christmas, Hanuka and Kwanzaa) shoppers boosted the economy so much that we can finally climb out of this newly declared (or should I say admitted?) recession? No, but something did happen.

Ira went to Marshalls. No, that's not the event I'm talking about. What kind of a blog do you think this is?! Drum roll, please. I've discovered Big Slice. That's right, not Little Slice, not Tiny Slice -- Grandma Hoerner's Big Slice Apple Sauce with Strawberries. It was just sitting there, on a shelf at Marshalls, competing with fancy-pants French jams and stout Irish jellies, calling out my name. Now, the 2.4 of you who know me, ya'll understand the excitement, considering my weakness for anything sweet with apples. But, this is too much! This pièce de résistance has all of Ira's loves rolled into one Big Slice. It's fat free, has no added sugar and is made with "real whole fruit". To make the long story short -- it's perfect!

The afternoon I brought it home, I ate half a jar. No, I don't mean I was watching Seinfeld reruns while munching on some glass. I was experimenting. First, I put Big Slice on top of some yogurt. Then, I ate it with some waffles. Then, I discovered some leftover Trader Joe's (hugs, kisses) French toast in the freezer and gave that pairing a try. Who needs dinner when you can have breakfast all day?
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hello, what's the number for Manolo, please?

If you are at least half as tech-savvy as I am, you already know about the topic of this post. (Certain people, no names mentioned -- you know who you are) knew and didn't share! We won't dwell on the negative, though. What matters is -- I know now and you will too.

So, let's say you're driving to your cousin's house in Brooklyn. You live in RI and have no clue how to get there. The GPS system has just died because some stupid bolt wasn't screwed on properly and fell out. You can't find it on the floor of your car, and it would just be so much easier to call and find out the directions from the cousin than to start fixing the GPS system on the highway.

Oh, wait! You have her old phone number programmed into your cell. Darn it! Now, it becomes more complicated. Do you pay the three bucks to get her new number or do you pull over and fix the GPS system? Hmm. Well, information might not even have her new number yet, so it really would be a waste of those three bucks, after all. What to do?!

GOOG-411 to the rescue! Google's new service is free -- why else would I be raving about it? Forget 411 -- dial 1-800-466-4411. So, technically, it's more like, more bang for NO buck, people -- the best possible scenario! Don't ever tell me I never gave you something for nothing! ♦DiggIt!Add to del.icio.usAdd to Technorati Faves

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can't Live without John Derian

So, I'm reading my new Elle Decor (No, I didn't pay for the subscription -- it was free after filling out some survey -- What did you think?!) when I notice the magazine's usual feature, 12 Things S/he Can't Live Without.

It's obviously a hyperbole -- I mean, no one will die from a lack of Ralph Lauren slacks. But, it's an interesting concept -- you can tell so much about a person by the little list on that one page in a magazine. In the case of John Derian, the designer in question, the list was quite intriguing. It made me want to know more about him... (The man loves his calligraphy pen -- what else can you ask for?) So, I did.
Imagine my surprise when the first Google result happened to be his Target line! Hello! Derian has a Target line. How cool is that? And, it's just as romantic as his questionnaire answers.
The designs of the trays, snow globes and ornaments evoke a Victorian aesthetic. Tranquil and understated, they often juxtapose script and painted images. But, you might get something completely other from them.
Take a look at this Large Butterfly Design Tray , for example. Here is a sample train of thought: writing, butterflies, Nabokov, Lolita, lollipops, dark chocolate, bye.
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Je Suis Un Autre

So, holla to for this deal. OK, right after this momentary segway. Back when I was instilling my bountiful knowledge of literature onto freshmen, I was told that holla is a cool term that signifies "hello" or "good-bye" or something along the lines of, "I dig it, man".
Promptly after teaching me the meaning of the term, my freshman class forbade me to use it. After I tried it out, they kind of looked at me, the way one looks at a dead fly, and said, "Umm. Ms. SoandSo, you should just stick to using words, like "hello" and "great job".
So, "holla" has been dormant for a long time. Six years, to be exact. I thought it was time for the word to come out of its cave. Especilaly considering the coolness (or, should I say nastiness?) of the site I'm about to direct you to.

We are now back to our scheduled programming. See, I told you that the flashback would be short. And, as a reward for your patience, you get a Lover. Yes, you read that right. This gorgeous white dress is made by a brand named Lover.
You know what's even better? It's called Rimbaud Dress in white. So, if you need another reason to buy it, besides the fact that it's more than 70% off (don't expect me to figure out the exact figure, -- I was an English major), how about this one -- follow the brand's lead and be a rebel -- who says you can't wear white after Labor Day?
Oh, and according to StyleNotes, you get free shipping and 25% off -- that's on top of the huge sale -- with the coupon code "notcotlovesrevolve".
All we have to say is -- Thisbloglovesrimbaud. Plus, everything we've said above.
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Friday, November 21, 2008

Bootie call

Second post about shoes in two days. I know, this is getting ridiculous, but I can't help myself! All I have to say is -- gorgeous leather booties. These babies come in both, brown (sorry, camel) and black (yes, i know, black is the absense of color, but bear with me, les artistes célèbres). Anyhow, what I'm trying to tell you is -- GO BUY THESE NOW. Because, if you don't, they'll be gone. Why? Well, they're cheap (sorry, inexpensive).

That word always brings up an embarrassing memory of that one time, in college, when a used-books store owner yelled at me, but that's a story for another time. Oh, well -- I might as well tell it to you since I've already basically told it. He overheard my incredulous exclamation and came over to chide me, pointing out the difference between cheap books and inexpensive ones. So, from then on, mes amis, I knew better. And you should too!

Why are you still reading this drivel? Go buy the shoes, hear me? No, of course you don't! You're too busy remembering your own mortifying moments.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Excuse me, do you have the time?

OK, stop whining, I'm back! This post is dedicated to Adam the Coffee Fiend (I'm convinced this guy will have withdrawal symptoms if he stops drinking coffee) who inspired me to return to this blog, two and a half years since the last post. Hey, it's better late than never!

So, how did Adam motivate me to post again? You don't care, but I'll tell you anyway. Knowing that I'm a huge shoe fanatic, he thought he would share this really cool shoe site with me. He has underestimated my obsession. Of course, I already knew about it!

So, apparently, the secret is out. I was not telling anyone know about it, but it looks like I am not the only one taking advantage of really cool deals on this site. Yes, other people have discovered it too -- that is why it's so important to check it on a daily basis -- to the peril of your checking account. So, without further ado, here is the big revelation -- it's a treasure that's not hidden well enough, and it's called

It's awesome in every aspect of awesomeness (and, no -- they're not paying me to say that!) You will find yourself adding it to your favorites (that is, if you can pull yourself away from browsing the discounted designer beauties). But, don't say I didn't warn you -- that playground is addictive. Because they frequently update it with new shipments, it's wise to check back often. You don't want to miss bargains like this, do you? Allrighty, then. ♦DiggIt!Add to del.icio.usAdd to Technorati Faves