Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eye Candy

Sorry to disappoint anyone who was expecting my portrait. Just some food porn here.

Apple pie I baked. If anyone wants the recipe, email me. Too lazy to retype.

Caught in the act. She usually eats healthy. Except for when she doesn't.

"Yea, my hubby's a chef. So? Nothing comes between me and my onion rings."

Put some peppers on top of chicken and stick into oven. Pretty.

Some NY bagels. Jewish style, of course.

Mmmm. I miss those croissants. E. ate them. I had that salad.

Yummy box lunch. Thai food to thai for. (Yes, I know that was bad. Who cares, it looks good.)

If you put cheese on fried veggies, does the meal still count as "healthy"?
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