You might have heard of the demotivator phenomenon. Demotivators are just like motivational posters ("tomorrow is the first day in the rest of your life") only upside-down ("trying is the first step toward failure"). Well, you get the idea.
Russians have recently discovered demotivators, and they have been popping up on every blog (the sayings, not the russkies). Today, I saw one that I must share with you. Roughly translated, it says, "As years go on, we stop feeling joyful about the mundane." At the risk of sounding corny, cheesy, etcetera, I will say that I wish to be like that child in the picture -- relishing the beauty of the falling leaves and living in the moment.
So, I'm going to do something new here. I'm going to turn a demotivator back into a motivator. That's right, people. If I had Photoshop, the picture you are looking at now would say, "As years go by, we realize that life's joy is the mundane -- you just have to recognize it as such."
I'm off to kiss my sleeping kids.
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