You probably already know that artists think differently from the rest of us. While you're wondering how you're going to pay your bills, lose weight, punish your children or get an extra two minutes of sleep in the morning (go to bed earlier, duh!), they're pondering how they can express themselves and find their inner peace. So, what happens next is -- they start devising ways they could get in touch with their homeostasis. Some do yoga, some do yoga in the nude... No, not really -- mostly, they just paint and glue little figurines to pieces of colorful paper. You don't believe me? I knew you were going to say that. Sigh. I have proof.

Keri Smith is an illustrator and one creative gal. I stumbled on her list of 100 random things to do, and am totally in awe of this woman's originality. For instance, #32 is the idea to list all of the smells in your neighborhood. Since I live in an area with a lot of skunks and BBQ enthusiasts, the odors collide into an unpleasant medley I don't think you would like to hear more about. And, since I don't really know 100 uses for a tincan (I guess I could think up some, but then again, I could also use that time to get those extra sleep minutes), I thought I'd create a character based on someone I know instead (#42).
So, I went to this nifty site, pretended that it's nothing like KidZui (I'm an adult, remember?) and spent a couple of minutes playing with different versions of South-Park Ira. Since the site is malfunctioning, I couldn't save my masterpiece to show you, but She came out sooo cool. Not square at all. Go, check it out. The possibilities are endless. Your imagination is limited only by the number of hairstyles and hat designs. One question -- where are the noses?! Did the designers know about my neighborhood smells? (Disclaimer: I've never seen South Park. Doesn't anyone in the movie have a nose?!)

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