So, it has finally happened. You may breathe a sigh of relief. American Girl is about to release the first Jewish doll. And, if that’s not a good enough reason to add more sugar to your wine, just wait – there’s more. Rebecca (yes, somewhat unoriginal, but we Jews will take whatever they give us) is a Russian emigrant! Say what? No, I’m not lying. It’s like Hanukah in May.
Oh, and she is your everyday next-door girl – even her hair didn’t want to side with either light or dark, so it went with brown locks that are highlighted. Who knows, maybe the creators modeled her after me – while I was going through my match-the-kids’-hair period. We, emigrants are so finicky – never happy with what God gave us – always striving for improvement – highlighting, leaving our motherlands…
Oh, and she is your everyday next-door girl – even her hair didn’t want to side with either light or dark, so it went with brown locks that are highlighted. Who knows, maybe the creators modeled her after me – while I was going through my match-the-kids’-hair period. We, emigrants are so finicky – never happy with what God gave us – always striving for improvement – highlighting, leaving our motherlands…

But, seriously – highlights in 1914? (the dolls come equipped with a setting and a back story à la posh restaurants’ menu items), but “the company hopes the doll will appeal to everyone. If a blond Christian girl in North Dakota enjoys pretending she is living in a tenement on the Lower East Side in 1914, helping her Bubbie make latkes for Hanukkah, American Girl will be happy to sell her a toy menorah.” I sense a bit of a tongue-in-cheek attitude here, New York Times!
But, the real question is – will Rebecca be allowed to date a shegetz?! The suspense is killing me!
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