Scoop: Never realized how funny Woody Allen is. Almost peed in my pants. I said almost.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: How DOES he get smaller?! That’s what I want to know.
My Best Friend’s Wedding: Julia rocks. He should have chosen her. Idiot.
Confessions of a Shopaholic: Note to self: get thee a green scarf. An expensive one.
Cassandra’s Dream: Karma’s a bitch. Ewan McGregor’s nice to look at.
Last Chance Harvey: Who cares that Emma is taller than Dustin? All’s fair in love and war.
The Edge of Heaven: Flashbacks of Unbearable Lightness of Being. Sadly, no Daniel & not nearly as good.
A Good Woman: Wilde shuddered in his grave. Helen Hunt as a seductress?! Scarlett as a prude?!
Jellyfish: Five stars, no hesitations, no explanations. See it. (Hope I haven’t oversold it)
I’ve Loved You So Long: An interesting puzzle. You’ll be sad when you solve it.
Synecdoche, New York: Simply THE Worst Movie I’ve EVER Seen (tried to see). And l like indies.
Elegy: Penelope is a goddess. I want to be her. Not in this movie, though.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona: See it despite the lack of commas in the title. They become one. Gag.
Peter’s Friends: With friends like these… Watch it – if only to see Laurie out of his HOUSE. Good stuff.
Doubt: Hoffman shows Meryl how it’s done. (Meryl, I still love you!) Creepy, slow, but, see it anyway.
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