OK, stop whining, I'm back! This post is dedicated to Adam the Coffee Fiend (I'm convinced this guy will have withdrawal symptoms if he stops drinking coffee) who inspired me to return to this blog, two and a half years since the last post. Hey, it's better late than never!
So, how did Adam motivate me to post again? You don't care, but I'll tell you anyway. Knowing that I'm a huge shoe fanatic, he thought he would share this really cool shoe site with me. He has underestimated my obsession. Of course, I already knew about it!
So, apparently, the secret is out. I was not telling anyone know about it, but it looks like I am not the only one taking advantage of really cool deals on this site. Yes, other people have discovered it too -- that is why it's so important to check it on a daily basis -- to the peril of your checking account. So, without further ado, here is the big revelation -- it's a treasure that's not hidden well enough, and it's called 6pm.com.

It's awesome in every aspect of awesomeness (and, no -- they're not paying me to say that!) You will find yourself adding it to your favorites (that is, if you can pull yourself away from browsing the discounted designer beauties). But, don't say I didn't warn you -- that playground is addictive. Because they frequently update it with new shipments, it's wise to check back often. You don't want to miss bargains like
this, do you? Allrighty, then.
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You are awesome!!! Welcome back. Those shoes are KILLER.
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