Picture this scenario. You are in Best Buy. You found a great MP3 player; it’s on sale; you are tempted. A thought pops into your head. “Is it really the best buy or am I being scammed by deceptive advertising?” You put the MP3 player back and walk away. “I’ll come back after I research the prices on the internet,” you think. When you get home, you check out
Pricegrabber and
Bizrate only to discover that it really was a good price for that player. Now, you either have to drive back to the store (think about the gas prices) or pay shipping. Hmmm… You decide to postpone buying anything until you find an even better deal and listen to the crappy gym music for the rest of the month.
Enter Nokia 7610 Cell Phone.
Price Range: $270.00 - $371.99

After you add the beta technology to your phone (download at Scanzoom.com for free), it will scan the bar code of an item if you wish to do some comparison shopping.
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