Good news for all shoeholics: more designer collaboration with budget stores! Fashion Wire Daily reports that Laura Poretzky, the designer of
Abaeté, has signed on with Payless to create a line that will be in stores at the beginning of September. While she is only 28, she claims to know what women are looking for, essentially a trendy and well-made product that is "
feminine, sensual and simple". If you are wondering what the shoes actually look like, you will have to wait until fall to catch a limpse, but the article does offer a clue. Apparently, they matched Poretzky's collection enough for her to use them in a show, the theme of which was 1920s France. Intriguing, n'est pas?

What's also interesting to me is the fact that Poretzky is half Russian (a fellow Russki) and a graduate of RISD (a fellow Rhode Islander). Man, we have so much in common (don't forget an interest in fashion) that I could be designing that shoe line. Payless, are you there?
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