Friday, July 17, 2009

Don't worry, Be happy

Did you know that, last year alone, 4,000 books were published on happiness? Why are so many people seeking advice from self-help literature rather than practicing self-help – i.e., doing what makes them feel content, fulfilled and alive? I don’t know. What I do know, however, is what makes me happy. My ten recent smile-inducing moments:

1. Meeting other parents on the playground and forming friendships
2. Eating Breyers® fat-free double churned ice cream in a chocolate-covered cone
3. Shrugging off the fact that all the cookies I bought turned out to be broken and all the mangoes – black inside
4. Cuddling with my entire family in one bed in the mornings
5. Listening to new music on my Sansa
6. Enjoying the breeze during my jogs
7. Jumping on the trampoline
8. Finding out that my jeans’ size is smaller than I thought
9. Spending time with friends
10. Reading the books off my wish list

What are some of your happy moments? You don’t have to share, just think about them – you’ll feel good, I promise.

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