Sunday, April 16, 2006

Nothing better than a couple of hours with a good book

If you take pleasure in recognizing the book’s characters as you read, like offbeat protagonists and refrain from moralistic drivel in which the hero’s fate is resolved by the end of the tale, Come Up and See Me Sometime is for you.

Why is this book included in the blog? Well, you definitely get your money’s worth with Erika Krouse’s short story collection. I haven’t enjoyed a work of fiction so much since I rediscovered Chekhov in high school. (If you want to purchase a copy, make sure not to get the Constance Garnett translation. Unless you prefer to read Constance Garnett, not Chekhov).

Krouse suffers from the same affliction as he did. No, I don’t mean tuberculosis. She also loves to paint sad pictures that make us smile.

Now, if we all could take a hint and learn to see the comic aspects of everyday tragedies… Didn’t mean to sound preachy here. Just read the book. Amen.

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